The Mission Aviation Fellowship's UK website. The focus of the November 2006 Band Night. Please take a look.
Sitting Pretty's official website, run and maintained by the band members. Basically everything you wanted to know about
Sitting Pretty is available there. Has been dead for quite a while due to band inactivity, but nonetheless if you want to
find out anything about SP or if you want to keep up to date on the latest band news then this is the site to check.
Sitting Pretty's online MySpace page.
Andy Chittick's MySpace page. Andy is the former drummer of The Honeythieves, a great Christian band, he is a talented
songwriter and he is also a very close friend. I am involved in his project, playing bass guitar for him.
One of my workmates' classic rock covers band - plays Thin Lizzy, ZZ Top, Bad Company etc. at various pubs around
Edinburgh. Very good live band, highly recommended for a good night out.
Me on Facebook. Feel free to add.
The Professional Pilots' Rumour Network. An interesting forum for pilots. I'm a member - look for "Captain Smithy". I
usually lurk about in the "Private Flying" forum. Lots of prats abound on this forum, but try to ignore them. Beware JetBlast,
the most arrogant and bigoted forum known to Mankind. Apart from that it's not too bad, there is some good information to
be had... you just need to spend time sifting through the nonsense spouted by the eejits...
Need I say more. If you want to learn to fly, go to the EFC. I was a member from 2007 to 2010.
Inverness' flying school and a fine club. The best way to see the Highlands - from the air.
Useful weather website.
The official website of Sitting Pretty tubthumper Nic Ross, AKA "Fizzy Combustika". A rather nice website - thanks for
the mentions, Nic!
P.S. Please report any dead links via the Contact page. Ta.